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DragonTagsV2 is a feature-rich tag plugin that offers the following benefits: - MySQL support for efficient and scalable data storage. - Unlimited tags for easy categorization and organization of data. - Unlimited pages for flexible and scalable content m...




WIP will update description later







Developer API


If you're looking for additional functionality from the Developer API, you can open a ticket in our Discord Server or send an email to to make a request.

Custom Textures


This chapter will provide instruction on how to incorporate custom textures into our plugin.



Information on how to enable debugging.



This chapter is for the initial setup of the plugin, mainly to get you started.



Information on how to enable debugging.

Custom Buttons


A guide on how to make a custom button in our main set menu. Mainly used to open menus that are not part of our system like deluxemenus etc



Developer API


This guide assumes you already know how Java works. If you have any suggestions or questions about the API then reach out to us through Discord or any other contact form



List of things that can be done to messages. All messages supports hex colors

Booster Types


Currently we only support EdPrison and Vault We are taking suggestions to add support to more plugins, just let us know which ones you would like us to support.



Get yourself started with the plugin!



The list of actions that can be taken on messages. Hex colors are supported in all messages.

Developer API


Use our robust API to put your unique ideas into practice.



Installing The Plugin

DragonTagsV2 Setup

Download the plugin from BuiltByBit, then drop it in your server's plugins folder.  

Making Your First Category

DragonTagsV2 Setup

Our plugin uses the latest Minecraft material names to simplify material ID/name searches. The plugin supports all versions from 1.8 to the latest. Assuming you have installed the plugin, we can now create our first category. To make a new category is fair...

Creating Your First Tag

DragonTagsV2 Setup

Before creating a tag, ensure you have already created a category.Our plugin uses the latest Minecraft material names to simplify material ID/name searches. The plugin supports all versions from 1.8 to the latest. Creating a tag is just as simple as making ...

Chat Placeholders

DragonTagsV2 Placeholders

Beyond their use in chat, PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also applicable in other contexts. PlaceholderAPI Requires PlaceholderAPI to be installed, you can find latest version here %dragontagsv2_tag% Placeholders which should work with most chat plugi...


DragonTagsV2 Developer API

Simple API for getting players cached data   You can get the cache of player in a few ways not shown bellow, use DragonTagsAPI.# to see its options. public class Example extends JavaPlugin { public void onEnable() { String tagName = Drago...

Other Placeholders

DragonTagsV2 Placeholders

PlaceholderAPI Gets the raw name which would be what you named the file %dragontagsv2_tag_name% Strips all colors from the tag %dragontagsv2_tag_no_colors% Shows the amount of unlocked tags tag_unlocked_amount

Getting The Category Manager

DragonTagsV2 Developer API

To get the category manager is fairly simple DragonTagsAPI.category.getCategoryManager().# It has multiple methods to get and register categories using that will also allow you to get the tags each category holds Example Usage:  Getting all tags from a...

Adding custom heads to menu items

DragonTagsV2 Custom Textures

You can find custom heads here You have to give the head an ID and add the Base64 string to the Skulls List Skulls: - ID: "MANGO_ORB" Base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2RmZDViZjFmZjA1NDM...

Adding custom textures/models

DragonTagsV2 Custom Textures

To use custom textures/models for a menu item you have to add it to your  menu-settings.yml owned_tags_menu.yml Your category config Your tag config We made it very simple just add bellow to any of the configs where you can specify a material/icon...

Adding reclaims to groups


To add reclaim rewards to a group you simple have to add it to the reclaim.yml see time formats by clicking here Groups: vip: Reclaim_Time: 1 weeks Commands: - "give {player} diamond 1" ultra: Reclaim_Time: 1 hours Commands: ...

Using The Debug Section inside settings.yml

DragonTagsV2 Debugging

To utilize the Debug section in the settings.yml file, you need to add Debug sections. As of now, this feature is not yet available, but it will be incorporated in future releases.

Enabling Debug Mode

DragonTagsV2 Debugging

To enable debug mode, follow these steps: Go to the folder where the plugin "DragonTagsV2" is installed. It is usually located in the "plugins" folder of your server. Inside the "DragonTagsV2" folder, create a new file and name it "debug.lock". Make sure t...

Installing The Plugin

InsurgenceSets Setup

Download the plugin from BuiltByBit, then drop it in your server's plugins folder.

Creating A New ArmorSet

InsurgenceSets Setup

Create a new set with the armorset command /isets setcreate <name> /isets setcreate example After executing that command you should now be seeing a new file inside /plugins/ISets/sets/example.yml Now go modify the file to your liking

Using The Debug Section inside settings.yml

InsurgenceSets Debugging

To utilize the Debug section in the settings.yml file, you need to add Debug sections. As of now, this feature is not yet available, but it will be incorporated in future releases. List of debug sections that can be enabled. Debug: - 'armorSetManager' - 'c...

Enabling Debug Mode

InsurgenceSets Debugging

To enable debug mode, follow these steps: Go to the folder where the plugin "ISets" is installed. It is usually located in the "plugins" folder of your server. Inside the "ISets" folder, create a new file and name it "debug.lock". Make sure to include the ...

Setting up a button

InsurgenceSets Custom Buttons

First open up the main-set-menu.yml in a text editor Now navigate down to the Custom_Buttons: [] and remove the square brackets Then go to the line under it and go in by 2 spaces Now add the things bellow - Icon: SPRUCE_DOOR Display_Name: "&c&lE...

Importing Java Classes

InsurgenceSets Custom Buttons

To import Java classes in to your project is very simple, in this example we will show you how to execute a command by importing the Bukkit class from the server import "org.bukkit.Bukkit" Now that Bukkit has been imported you can find a list of metho...

Action Setups

InsurgenceSets Custom Buttons

onButtonClick() the onButtonClick() is how you tell the button that you want to do something when its being clicked, we will show you how you can execute a command on left clicking example open a deluxemenu menu Its important you make sure to put player menu...


InsurgenceSets Placeholders

Below is a list of placeholders that can be used to retrieve data about the armor sets. | {setid} needs to be replaced with the set name | {piece} needs to be replaced with helmet | chestplate | leggings | boots   Get the virtual fragments a player has for...