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Action Setups


the onButtonClick() is how you tell the button that you want to do something when its being clicked, we will show you how you can execute a command on left clicking example open a deluxemenu menu

Its important you make sure to put player menu clickType inside the ( ) of the onButtonClick(player, menu, clickType)

      import "org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType"
      import "org.bukkit.Bukkit"
      function onButtonClick(player, menu, clickType)
         if clickType == ClickType.LEFT then
           Bukkit:dispatchCommand(player, "dm open example")
Animating the title

 Animate the title you can show a temporary title when a button is clicked

However its important you dont animate the title if you are opening another menu with a command, just keep that in mind

      import "org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType"
      function onButtonClick(player, menu, clickType)
         if clickType == ClickType.LEFT then
           menu:animateTitle("&cRight Clicked!")

ClickType checking

      import "org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType"
      import "org.bukkit.Bukkit"
      local console = Bukkit:getConsoleSender()
      function onButtonClick(player, menu, clickType)
         if clickType == ClickType.Left then
           menu:animateTitle("&cLeft Clicked!")
         elseif clickType == ClickType.RIGHT then
           menu:animateTitle("&cRight Clicked!")