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Creating An Addon

Setup a new project then right click the project and create a directory called libs.

Once that is done drag in the latest version of ISets

Download example project here


Setting up the pom.xml

You will have to add a dependency pointing to ISets in the libs folder, and you will also need to add a dependency for the spigot api


Setting up the main class

package org.insurgencedev.setaddon.example;

import org.insurgencedev.insurgencesets.api.addon.ISetsAddon;
import org.insurgencedev.insurgencesets.api.addon.InsurgenceSetsAddon;
import org.insurgencedev.insurgencesets.models.currency.CurrencyManager;

@ISetsAddon(name = "ExampleAddon", version = "1.0.0", author = "Insurgence Dev Team", description = {"This is a test", "addon it serves no purpose", "other than for testing"})
public class ExampleAddon extends InsurgenceSetsAddon {

    public void onAddonStart() {

    public void onAddonReloadablesStart() {

    public void onAddonReload() {

    public void onAddonStop() {

Creating a config for your addon

Create a new class and name it whatever you want, then extend AddonConfig.

In the constructor, use loadAddonConfig(). First argument is the location to the default config located in resources.

package org.insurgencedev.setaddon.example;

import org.insurgencedev.insurgencesets.api.addon.AddonConfig;

public class CustomConfig extends AddonConfig {

    public static String TEST_STRING = null;

    public CustomConfig() {
        loadAddonConfig("config.yml", "config.yml");

    protected void onLoad() {
        TEST_STRING = getString("Test");